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(2 edits) (+2)

Here's my let's play of your game ojosama!

Overall I enjoyed it, very beautiful looking game, and the concept is solid! However, it had a few problems...

As you probably already know, the bugs really hurt the experience, Ony_br already touched on this, but there's also the fact it changes the schedule randomly on weekends.

Just my opinion, it would've been nice if you'd actually explore the dungeons on an actual map, it being just a boss rush was kinda grating in the end...

The controls were very slippery. It was quite the effort trying to input my name for example, I kept messing up inputting too many letters... And the other menus were kinda difficult to navigate for this reason also.

Also, as for the fonts, they weren't working for me, and I don't know how to install them... Maybe a more thorough explanation in the readme, and a prompt in-game to check the readme would be good...

Otherwise I had fun! Good job!


Thank you for playing!

Could you expand on the schedule changing randomly on the weekends? It's an intended function for their schedules to be randomized. If you change one of your student's schedules, it'll revert everyone else's schedules back to their original state.

I'm not too sure what to do about the controls; the menus felt fine on my end BUT I'm guessing it depends on your machine. Admittedly, the name entry is pretty scuffed though. I've made a few adjustments so it doesn't feel as slippery.

If you are on Windows, installing the fonts should be as easy as going into the folder, right clicking the files and hitting install, at least in my experience. You're outta luck if you're on Linux though.


At 7:30 in the video, I could've sworn I put Clover's schedule to rest/rest,  but it changed... So it's an intended feature that you can only change a single students schedule? Okay, maybe should mention that, cause it was driving me crazy as to why her schedule kept changing...

Yeah I suppose the rest of the controls in the menus weren't too bad, but yeah, the name entry was the main one...

Oh so that's how you install fonts? Yeah I was wondering about that, there's other games I wanna play with scuffed fonts...


So cool! Who would have imagined teaching students could be so hard!? Heheh, I like the idea of training your heroes so they can fight for you


Sometimes after the weekend I'd get a black screen (which had sounds like choosing) before going to the "pick a student to speak to" screen

After supreme victory in forest I got this: invalid map event: 16


Thank you for playing!

I've released a new version that hopefully fixes those two bugs and a few others... Honestly speaking I couldn't get them to trigger consistently, which made debugging the game a very frustrating and time consuming process. I'm not sure even now if it'll work correctly, but I managed to get a run done without anything too gamebreaking happening.